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FAQ – Flying Fox Running

Frequently Asked Questions

The bit where we try and answer questions before they’re asked

Flying Fox Running


Pre Race Runs

Q: If I can’t run and have already entered what are my options?

A: You can either defer to a later race (2018 races possibly as not yet announced, that might include some finger crossing that there will then be one you can do) or the place can be transferred to another runner. This will be possible until the last week before the race.

If the race sells out we may also open a waiting list. If this happens we will try and sell places no longer wanted to those on the list. At the time of writing this will be for a refund minus the transaction fees we’ve incurred. We may introduce a small admin fee for this at a later date.


Q: Can I enter on the day?

A: If the race hasn’t sold out yes – although places will likely be limited. If the race has sold out we will attempt to sell places that come up as available after the transfer and deferment deadline. So it’s worth a try but not guaranteed. Coming with a pre filled in universal race application form from runners world and the correct money would be very helpful.


Q: Can I change between races?

A: Yes, extra money will be payable if doing the longer route, however we can’t do refunds if downgrading.  At the time of writing the price differences seem to be £2 as the largest part of each is the medal cost.


Q: When will the results be viewable?

A: Possibly not until the following evening.  Once all runners are safely off the course and left Race HQ our main focuses will be taking down the course and making sure that we leave the race HQ, and areas used in a good state as we really hope to use these venues in future.  Unless it’s too late we also plan to say thank you to the marshals & volunteers at a nearby pub.  I realise seeing the results is really important to the runners but hopefully you can understand why being nice to the venue and helpers is also very important.  Factors like changes on the night and the team comps may also effect the time.


Q: Your races are expensive

A: Yes they’re not as cheap as some of the club organised races but are significantly cheaper than some other races of comparable distance.  Not being a charity we have to pay venues, medical cover and for a lot of the help we receive as we don’t have a large pool of club members to call on like running clubs. Being mostly night races we also have a lot of equipment. We also make sure we have some really great medals as realise for a lot of people taking on the night is a big challenge and one we think should be well rewarded.  If you would like a discounted place you could always help or marshal.


Q: Can I marshal or volunteer

A: Yes we’d love people to get involved.  Marshals get discounted race entries and race crew medals.


Q: Are your races chipped time

A: Yes we do have chip timing on the finishing line. We’ve made our own chips as unless you use ones made for triathlons there wasn’t many reusable chips on the market and we didn’t want to bin chips after using once as most used on the back of race numbers are actually resuable.


Q: Have you thought about going cup-less?

A: Currently all our cups are paper from sustainable sources which are fully biodegradable and eco friendly thanks to the special starch lining, we also have jugs which you can use to refill your cups. We decided it was best for us to still use cups at our races for our runners given the varing distances and types of races, as well as runners abilities.

fact: Running makes you

Live Longer

runners remain active longer, have fewer disabilities and live longer than their sedentary counterparts.

More questions and answers

Q: Do you have Aid Stations on the courses

A: Yes!


Q: Ok what’s on the aid stations

A: The minimum on the courses will be water and sweets with bananas available at the end.  I am hoping there will be more but don’t want to promise that and not deliver.  Very interested to hear what sweets people like while running.  I like Percy Pigs! Also we do have vegan sweets available.


Q: The races have laps, why?

A: Some of our races have laps for the following reasons.  Night races pose that extra challenge of convincing some of the runners it is a good idea.  Making sure they don’t get lost.  To that end we felt that by having laps we could sign the course more effectively.

There is also other benefits of needing less marshals (we want people to run not marshal) and if any runners have any issues the distance to the race HQ are much less and because for our night races we stay on the race HQ’s land we can use their ATV to help anyone who needs it.  This also avoided the added cost of running across other landowners land.  Also we thought for those racing the course it would slightly nullify the home advantage and so lead to better competition.  Eg you’ll know where the finish is so if you like a sprint at the end of your runs you’ll have a good idea where to start sprinting from and the Ninesprings course we think has a particularly fun end.

Also sometimes there is just no other way to fit the distances in other than by doing laps and we want to cater to everyone of all abilities.


Q: I want to run but I’m nervous about doing so at night

A: Night running shouldn’t be something to fear if equipped with a good head torch.  Subject to demand we are looking at organising night runs in the areas of the races before the races.  These will be free but may have limits on the number of people who can run.  These provide a good opportunity to gain confidence.  Watch our facebook page or get in touch for information on these.


Q: What should I wear

A: The first thing to consider is the weather and Night or Day. Night time is normally a fair bit colder than the day.  We do ask people to wear something high vis and reflective when running in the Dark or if there are roads involved. When running at Night a headtorch/ chest torch/ torch is mandatory.


Q: Are there Prizes

A: We generally do 1st, 2nd and 3rd Male and Female, followed by the Vet prizes for 40, 50 and 60 for both Male and Female.We then do Team prizes and a Best Dressed prize for our Fancy dress runners.


Q: Can I walk the races

A: Unfortunately some running would be needed to finish our races. Though we do have generous cut off times we didn’t feel it would be fair to the marshals to keep them out for say as long as it would take a slow walker to cover the distance.

Still more answers below

More questions and answers

Q: Do your races have time limits

A: Yes please look at each race page for information on that.


Q: Are your races timed

A: Yes our races are timed with video camera for back up. You will be given a reusable chip to clip onto your waistband.


Q: Is there adequate parking?

A: Yes the race limits are set around the parking available as well as the courses.  Please see the individual race pages for further info.


Q: Are the race distances accurate

A: The headline distances we advertise our approximate.  We plan to publish the routes and from there you can see the likely distance.  Although the exact routes may change as obviously weather and other issues aside a bit reroute close to the time is not something we can rule out.  Also there may be some variation between taking the racing line as speedy experienced runner would do and the centre line which the mapping websites would be estimating.


Q: What are the age limits for running

A: It depends on the distance and style of race as per the ARC guidelines and insurance, please check the individual races to find out more.


Q: Can I wear head phones

A: Currently, yes, we are trialling allowing headphones.

HOWEVER, headphones are only allowed on the following conditions:

  • You must take them out for road crossings and to listen to marshalls
  • We ask that you please keep the volume down on your headphones so that you can still hear what is going on around you (i.e. someone shouting you that you are going the wrong way, or that there is an emergency vehicle coming through) please remember it is for the safety of other runners and not just yourself
  • Bone conduction earphones are preferred, or running with one earbud in

Wake up.

kick ass.


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© 2017 Nathan Gardiner. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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